The new lighter Zagi-THL or (Zagi-Lite) features a resilient
expanded polypropylene (EPP) foam leading edge laminated
to a rugged 1 pound white foam core and covered with 2.4
mil. poly-tape. This combat proven building technique provides
light weight durability and a low price. The new ZAGI-THL
has the Original Zagi-LE's low drag profile. Flying weight
is only 11.5 ounces providing a loading of only 4 oz/sq.ft.
The prototype is equipped with a standard size 7 channel
receiver, two micro servos, a separate electronic mixer,
and a 110 or 270 mAh battery. Another prototype equiped
with a 270 mAh battery wasn't much more. Without nose weight
it balances at 8". With a four channel RX and without the
separate electronic mixer it should weigh in under 11 ounces.
One was reported built to 10 1/2 ounces!
The Zagi-THL flies well in light slope
lift at 5 mph and penetrates in winds to 25 mph. It will
high start. The ZAGI-THL is not a combat or bungie launch
airplane. The design objectives were to make a rugged low
cost, light weight wing for thermal and hand launch. The
performance envelope includes hand launch, high start, and
light slope lift.