- True Scale Shaped EPP fuselage ~ ~ No Sanding Required
~ ~
- Instructions with Construction Tips and plenty of pictures
- Laser cut pre installed motor mount or rubberised spinner
for PSS
- Foam wing with tips & dihedral pre cut
- Laser cut & hinged Coroplast tail surfaces
- Speed 400 or PSS combat option
- Very simple construction (ARC)
- Pre cut clear plastic canopy
- Cockpit inserts & more¡¦
Motor - Robbe - Graupner Speed 400 6 Volt
Prop & Spinner 6.5 x 4 Graupner or 7 x 3 APC
Battery Pack 8 Cell 500AR Sanyo
Bec Controller 15 amp
Motor - Robbe - Graupner Speed 400 7.2 Volt
Prop & Spinner 6.5 x 4 Graupner or 7 x 4 APC
Battery Pack 7 Cell 600AE Sanyo
Bec Controller 10 amp
assembly articles here.