Small high torque motors, light weight (2 oz.), capable
of spinning large props in Speed 400 to 600 size models
to 28 oz. flying weight. 27.7mm (1-3/32") diameter,
30mm (1-3/16") from back to front. The hardened 3.17mm
(1/8") shaft is supported by 2 ballbearings for a long
service life.
These motors can be mounted behind a firewall
(use 3mm screws from our Metric Hardware) or, with the addition
of the Radial Mounting Set, they can be mounted in front
of a firewall.
* Performance
Cell Count, Prop, RPM, Current, Watts to Prop
7, 8.5x6, 8,070, 10.2A, 64
8, 8.5x6, 8,840, 12.2A, 83
10, 8.5x6, 10,210, 16.1A, 131